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Welome :)

"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The Dreamer

The name is Jovice, a chocolate lover and a dreamer. Well, nobody can hurts you without your permission. So, don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle.

Holiday :(

Sunday, October 2, 2011 7:09 PM

Ohyeah! What a great holiday! :(
Currently at MALACCA right now. *sweating* D:
Malacca is such a cultural place, I love cendol durian! omg.
I love the buildings, those history and so on, except the weather. LOL.

Hmm, lets talk about something interesting.
Visited the museum, shopping!! * bought 2 Tee and FOOD! D:* , went to the spectacular church... etc and I ate alot! great.

*Dad bought this for me________ mint chocolate :x

Ohya! I did a ridiculous thing at here. Gosh.
Now, I believe that when someone is mad, his/her IQ will equal to ZERO & anything can be done.
Such a stupid idiot. *Ohgreat, I'm part of those stupid people :x

Luckily, everything is fine & save. Thanks God.
Sorry for my family. Iloveyou all forever. :P

p/s: GAMBATE! Goodluck for those PMR candidates. God bless! :)

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