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Welome :)

"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The Dreamer

The name is Jovice, a chocolate lover and a dreamer. Well, nobody can hurts you without your permission. So, don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle.

HappyHoliday ♥

Thursday, December 1, 2011 10:03 PM

Ohyeah, exam is OVER! *ignoring BC :p
Need to have some rest, exhausted!

And here is the plan :P


无辜的眼神 :x
Betray, revenge, money, honour. I hate betrayer. I was like 'wtf?' when humpty dumpty fall and turns into an golden egg that he was finding for his entire life. LOL. Kinda sad the ending, but, hmm, it's fair enough.

2. Watch BREAKING DAWN!!! ♥ *DONE.

I was falling in love with BELLA SWAN and EDWARD CULLEN since I read their love story. Especially Twilight! OMG. It's soooooo damn nice! After Twilight, Eclipse was not so interesting, no climax or whatever, kinda boring and not as interesting as the original story. Their lines are so... weird? hmm. But breaking dawn was nice! I like the first scene when Bella wearing her beautiful wedding gown. Gorgeous! Looking forward to part two ♥

3. Work!
Seriously need to earn money and find something to do in this period of time. I feel guilty when always wanna ask money from mum. Work work work!

4. Rebonding & Dye my hair. *DONE
Just realized 1 year gone after I cut my hair. Gonna dye them after rebonding at the new saloon near my house, kinda cheap. Mummy said use liese is better and cheaper, but I cant decide wanna dye which colour. LOL. perhaps this?

5. Get my License!
Going undang with sherphia and after that amali with peiling. Can i just skip those procedure and get my license right now? Sigh.

6. Trip to Pulau Pinang & KL.

I miss chao kuey tiao and pinang laksa!!! *ohgreat, how bout my diet plan? ==

Gonna visited the toy musuem :P
OMG. I need money! :/ 4 days 3 nights. Ohyeah! going by BUS! Excited! btw, oh Lord, please dont rain. Hmm, what to pack? :x

7. Get some info about further studies.
where to study? College? Form6? or ? I have no idea.

8. Joshua camp for 1 month.
Gosh! so many things need to be prepared. 31/1 until 1/3. One month! going alone, without accompany. Hmm, but still I feel excited, but... sigh. *Yeah! dont need to suffer at PLKN. :P

And here it's. *Things that I can think of right now :/

HappyHoliday! ♥
Goodnight peeps :)

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